In this podcast, I discuss the reality of the environment that we are in and how it affects us in subconscious ways.
The reality is you become your environment.
What I mean by the environment is the place you work, the people you’re surrounded with, your community…
In this environment, there is usually a collective mindset, a collective of patterns that is common in most people. And those collective can creep into our minds without even knowing it.
Therefore the reality check you need to have here today is to start being aware of that collective mindset in your environment.
Sometimes that can pose a challenge… because sometimes your own mind may find comfort in that collective because that’s what’s it’s comfortable with.
But what you need to keep in mind is that when you’re ready to make a change in your life, ready to change mindset because you no longer want to subscribe to the drama of mediocrity and you want to create a better life for yourself then you need to pay attention to your environment.
I don’t mean to completely run away from it on an instant, what I mean is to start being aware of the mindset patterns of your workplace, your surroundings, your community and start identifying what resonates with you best and what doesn’t.
Meaning, if you want to start thinking like an entrepreneur, then avoid participating in long conversations about the struggles of being an employee and start finding like-minded entrepreneurs to listen to. Engage in their content. Join communities that talk about entrepreneurship and digital business.
The same thing goes with what we eat and consume. Our environment can have a direct impact on the type of food we consume.
So if you want a healthier lifestyle, minimize your exposure to people who don’t pay attention to what they eat and start focusing on yourself. Surrounding yourself with other healthy lifestyle advocates or resources and start focusing on your own mindset, of what works for you.
And if you want a more positive mindset, then start focusing on yourself. Surrounding yourself with inspirational and motivational content, resources and people. Because the same thing goes with your mindset, your environment can have a negative or positive impact on it depending on who you’re surrounded by.
So moving forward keep in mind that your environment can have a direct impact on your lifestyle, your mindset and your health. Be aware of that environment and know that you always have the choice of what you choose to believe what is best for you. Don’t look to others for the answers, look inside. Try it on and see if it resonates with you. If it doesn’t then let it go.
Keep yourself inspired and continue to immerse yourself in environments that best suits your needs and helps you grow to be the best version of yourself.