I came across this video here and it lives so true for me because it is a representation of what I’ve gone through in the past year.
When you want to go for your dream you have to water it every day. You have to feed it every day. You have to build a foundation every day. Because the more persistent you are towards your dreams the closer you will get and the more you will strive.
This video explains how a bamboo takes 5 years to grow… not grow as high as a building but to build it’s foundation, to build its roots. That is why that when you are choosing to take action towards your dreams that a solid foundation must be built but it doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent work. It needs to be fed water every day.
To me, my foundation was changing my mindset. It was changing the way I think. In late 2015 when I started to ask myself the serious question of “what is it I want to do with my life?”, because other than my relationship with my girlfriend I really wasn’t happy with where my career was going, I started to really work on myself.
I decided to make some changes in my life because I learned that if I wanted a different outcome I had to make some serious changes to my life. If I wanted something different out of life I had to do something I never done before.
And through the following year, I improved my foundation every day. I made improvements every day. I invested time and money in myself.
Have a look at the video here:
So as you are thinking about your dream, about where you see yourself in the future, know that it takes time to build a foundation and it’s all part of the journey to get there. And trust me you will be much more thankful when you see yourself on the other side.
The process of growth and personal improvement is very rewarding so make sure you continue to grow every day. Be a better person than who you were yesterday and be a better person tomorrow than you are today.
Keep the fire alive!